Posts in Musician
“The Kingdom Of Comfort” (a story about defining risk and overcoming my addiction to certainty)

Have you ever felt like you were supposed to step into something new in life, but were apprehensive because you had more questions than answers?

So much of how the world talks about success doesn’t acknowledge the fact that, oftentimes, taking the next step is a lot like that scene in Indiana Jones where he takes the “Leap of Faith” from the rock cliff.

You’re comfortable where you’re at! There are a million reasons not to jump, maybe most of your friends are even telling you not to! But you know in your gut there’s something more for you waiting somewhere out there in the darkness and unknown.

This is the most vulnerable podcast episode I’ve ever recorded, one that brought me to tears, because this convo isn’t about that successful moment when your foot lands on solid ground…

It’s about the split-second free fall that nobody talks about, and I’ve been in it for the past few years…

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