Question 12 // Are we screwing ourselves over by thinking too big? (feat. Eric Pierson)

Eric Pierson is a television, film and commercial actor who recently started showing his prowess in the directing world. Some of his recent film credits include the Netflix Original Series "Lady Dynamite”, "Driven By Bacon” and "Wilson" starring Woody Harrelson & Laura Dern. If you haven’t Netflix-and-Chilled over those yet, you’ve most likely seen his bearded face on more than one commercial. Beyond all that, Eric is known to me as someone who thinks deeply about life and is a great storyteller. I knew you would enjoy hearing what he has to say and he didn’t disappoint… and I may or may not have laughed so hard I cried for the first time on the podcast. Enjoy.

(Side note for Sarah’s fans: Sarah originally wanted to title this question, “Have you ever looked a man in the eye while he poops?” )

In this episode we talk about:
-A hilarious story of Eric meeting someone in the woods
-The benefits of meditation
-Not worrying about tomorrow
-Not letting your day get derailed by someone else trying to get your attention before your body is ready to take it (i.e. social media and emails first thing in the morning)
-Working out
-What Kobe Bryant, Michael Jackson, and Mike Rowe have in common
-Just doing the work and putting the time in
-Nobody’s going to give you permission to live your best life, decide who you want to be, and do it!
-The importance of starting your own project or business
-Eric’s definition of success (probably one of the best I’ve heard)
-My add to Eric’s definition: Whatever success means to you is good as long as it can be found internally. 
-The hardest working people always seem to be the luckiest

Quote from Eric during the interview that stood out to me:
“Let living with intention become part of your routine”


You can find Eric online here if you’d like to connect:
Instagram: @ericjon
IMDB: Eric Pierson

Recording Location: Eastside Co-Op, Northeast Minneapolis
Drink: Kombucha 


I’m so thankful that I don’t have to deal with sponsors. 

Otherwise, I would have to tell you to visit Guinness’ website HERE Otherwise, I’d be inclined to tell you that Guinness Draft (with it’s distinctive dark amber body and rich creamy head) is possibly God’s greatest gift to mankind and is the sole reason I’m thankful for being alive after it’s birth in 1759.

I’d also have to recommend that you to hire Narrate Films for your next video/film/music-video/photo booth/wedding photography/any photography needs and to visit their website HERE

Whew… so thankful I don’t need to deal with that crap. I’d feel so dirty having to tell you that this episode was sponsored by Bittercube Bitters NO WAY IN HELL am I going to tell you that Bittercube has been featured in Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food, Playboy, Imbibe Magazine, Timeout, Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, GO – AirTran Inflight Magazine, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, NPR, and Daily Candy, among other publications.


For Links, Guest’s Info, and Show Notes VISIT: